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What’s happening in the industrial minerals market?

Cobalt standard grade prices were stable in the week ended Friday April 5, due to poor demand for cobalt intermediates following price increases in early February amid tight supply in Europe.

Western Australia plans to offer tax breaks to nickel producers in a bid to help the ailing industry amid crashing prices, the state government announced on Saturday February 17

Manganese, chrome, tungsten and vanadium will be key topics of discussion at Fastmarkets’ upcoming Asia Ferroalloys Conference 2024 in Hong Kong on February 26-28, after appearing on China’s latest list of critical minerals

Fastmarkets’ weekly calculation of its chrome ore South Africa UG2/MG concentrates index, cif China was $283 per tonne on Tuesday, up from $281 per tonne on January 9. The index had held at $281 since December 19, 2023. The index had seen pockets of stability throughout 2023, including the most recent period, which lasted from December 19 […]

Chinese exports of flake and spherical graphite plummeted in December, after China’s introduction of export controls on certain graphite related products

China has approved the export of graphite anode raw materials to South Korean battery material makers after it started regulations on the exports of certain graphite products on December 1, but concerns over exports remain

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